Preparing our students for the world

Great minds think for themselves.png

I was doing some reading and this quote really stuck out for me today. We are so awash with information these days (they don’t call it the Information Age for nothing) that it can be hard to sift through the chatter, even when you’re used to the constant buzz. For children, still learning so much about the world, it can be an overwhelming task.

The role of the teacher has changed quite a bit since the old wooden schoolhouse days of before. No longer are we drilling facts into students or treating education like an assembly time. That is no longer relevant to what will help them navigate the world.

What we can do is teach students how to evaluate the information they encounter and form their own opinions on it. Students need to know how to sort out the true from the false, realize who has an agenda and what that agenda is, and understand the context of the information they encounter. Show students how to evaluate what they read and hear and they won’t be so likely to fall victim to false words and ideologies.